Showing posts with label Chelsea Cain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea Cain. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Evil at Heart

In Chelsea Cain's Evil at Heart, the third installment in the Archie Sheridan and Gretchen Lowell thriller series, this chillling cat-and-mouse game turns up the heat and ups the ante. For Archie Sheridan, he had spent his time in rehab for her pain killer addiction and healed for his wounds from his last encounter with Gretchen Lowell. But while he convalesced, he knows she's on the loose to kill again. But it wasn't for Susan Ward, his journalist friend, who discovered there's a wicked fan club of Gretchen online and a tour bus, too. When she discovers the ice cold crime scenes, they believed she was out there in Seattle. But when they went  undercover, they ran into someone known as Shark Boy, her number one fan, and Jeremy Reynolds, who has a sick obsession with her. One of them had marked the same carved hearts on their kills and removed their organs. It became too close to comfort for Archie, when Jeremy toys with his mind and Susan becomes injured by his sharp tools. In the end, Archie breaks his truce with Gretchen and then finds out, if she's been lying to him or telling the truth face to face with her.

This was another chiling novel from Chelsea Cain. This would make you heart beat and feel cold and numb all over with this another thrilling chase. I contiued to care for Archie and how he dealt with Gretchen's copycatting her serial artwork on human victims. Gretchen just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I did feel bad for the patients at the rehab center who were all pawns to her sick mind games. I did love the vast scenic settings and vivid pictureque locations of Seattle, including the crime scenes.  This would make you want to hold you breath and gasp at every turned page with non-stop action, drama, intrigue and suspense  from right to the end. 

Will you become evil at heart tonight?