Showing posts with label Julie James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julie James. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Love Irrestibly

In Julie James's Love Irresistibly, the 4th installment in the FBI/US Attorney contemporary romance series, this enchanting romance novel would wow you with such powerful writing to sweep you off your feet. It all started with a favor from US Attorney Cade Morgan, a former college football player, who needed help nailing the corrupt politicians from Brooke Parker. After she applied, she asked him for a favor or two in return to help her out in her end. Brooke Parker's the general counsel for Sterling Restaurants, who's busy work schedule had put a damper into her relationships in life and love. From there, they had a casual relationship with each other, which lead to great sex, and getting to know each other better. But both of them had issues to prevent them from going forward--Cade learned about his half-brother and has bitter memories of his own biological father growing up. Brooke wants balance in her life and to enjoy herself, even when a new opportunity for her job growth sprouted and prompted her with her decision. With things moving up and forward, maybe too fast for them, they learned to love each other as a couple and have new promotions in their promising career for a happy ending.

This was a fantastic contemporary romance novel. I really loved Brooke and Cade as a couple and their quirky texts to each other. I adored Ford and Brooke's friends and Cade's FBI agent buddies.  I did snort one time, when Brooke accidentally shared something on Facebook. I loved the Chicago backdrop for the locations and the settings. It was so vivid and only so awesome. This would make you laugh/snort, swoon, cheer for Cade and Brooke, and how they've made peace with their right decisions. Plenty of sexy romance, drama, non-stop action and intrigue on every page.

Check this out today!