In Linda Castillo's Pray for Silence, she delivered us a bone-chilling thriller right through the core. The Amish town of Painters Mill have been shocked by the gruesome murder of the Plank family. It's up to Chief Burkholder to discover the details of what lead behind the death. She asked the assistant of John Tomasetti from the BCI to help assist her in this most difficult case. While the closer they get together, the more disturbing they are to find what secrets laid behind in one of the victim's diary and how they paid for the price in a cold death. With a couple of interesting suspects on her list, she discovered the cold truth on the motive right in the end.
This was another gripping and disturbing thriller to read. I continued to like Kate and John as a couple and as two individuals. I liked the feel of Painters Mill for an Amish town. There was some gruesome parts I didn't like and the outcome of who done it in the end. This would take you in for a fascinating story from start to finish with drama, intrigue, suspense and a huge mystery to take place.
Will you pray for silence today?