Showing posts with label Lisa Scottoline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisa Scottoline. Show all posts

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Dirty Blonde

In Lisa Scottoline's Dirty Blonde, this stand-alone legal thriller is a nail-biter that would leave you at the edge of the seat. Judge Cate Fante is the newest judges in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. When she became oversaw the court case between Richard Marz and Art Simone, things got out of hand, after she had ruled from the bench. From there, it had tossed her a through surprises of her own. When her dirty secret came out from her double life, it causes more than waves for sensational tabloids and a double suicide later. That's when Detective Nesbitt came into the picture about her ruling, when she became a witness and a potential suspect. Not only that, a crazed cop has it in for her and her boyfriend dumps her. It was up to Cate now to fight for her life, when things turn dicey at her hometown and learn some shocking secrets of her own family she had never known. Afterward, she decided to seek out justice and revenge her way, when she had figured out who was the killer with a hunch. But in the end, she guessed wrong with a shocking twist in the end, when she fought for her life and from her arch-nemesis with a chilling conclusion.

For a stand-alone, this was compelling and riveting from start to finish. I cared about Cate and Gina instantly as two single best friends. My jaw dropped throughout this legal thriller, when there was a lot of twists and turns I didn't see coming.  I cared about Cate's judgeship on the bench, even when it became compromised and would fight tooth-and-nail to seek justice. I felt bad for Richard Marz and who Art Simone had wronged him a tiny bit. I loved the California locations at the Eastern side and how depictive they were for the settings. This would leave you at the edge of the seat as you would root for Cate from start to finish, groan and grunt, and cheer her on as she won her own battles the hard way. This has plenty of suspense, intrigue, drama and a lot of non-stop action.

Will you be suspicious of this dirty blonde today?