In Michele Guittari's A Florentine Death, the first installment in the Michele Ferrara Italian mystery series, this chilling mystery will give you an ice cold look on a ruthless serial killer. For Superintendent Ferrara, it all started with a gruesome murder in his adopted city of Florence. When they investigate the murder of the first victim, they learned more about him and his private life. As the body count began to pile up with more gruesome murders, he later learned about the sexual nature of the victims as he received death threats of his own. While he took charge of his squad, his superiors and the press aren't impressed with him. For Valentina Preti, she had feelings for Mike Ross, an American journalist, who worked on a story in Italy. But she had her own mixed up feelings for her friend and lover, Cinzia Roberti. As a relationship forms with Mike, she learns about the secretive nature of him, before it became too late for her. As Ferrara picked up the pieces of this serial hate crimes against gays, he delved into the killer's past and captures him on a manhunt across the country.
This was a fantastic and dark Italian mystery debut. I cared for Ferrara and how he handled this gruesome murder investigation. I felt torn for Valentina and Cinzia, who had issues of their own. I didn't like the suggestive nature of a hate crime against gays. I loved the Italian locations and settings all over Italy from Florence and elsewhere. It made it very real and picturesque. This would reel you in with non-stop action, intrigue, mystery and tons of suspense.
Will you discover a Florentine death?
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