In Susan Elia MacNeal's The Queen's Accomplice, the 6th installment in the Maggie Hope Historical Mystery series, this would leave you breathless and shocking in this twisted tale. In England 1942, while the war waged on against German with the Blitz, a dead body have been located during the hectic panic of the war. For Maggie Hope, an SOE secretary and a code-breaking agent with MI-5, she was on the case and assisted them in the search for answers. While she worried about her half-sister's safety and an agent who had gone missing in Paris, she had a lot to contend with. A decade before, Jack the Ripper had made startling history by killing prostitutes. Now there's a new killer known as the Blackout East who's copycatting after him and targeting SOE agents. Maggie, a mathematical whiz, tries to put the pieces together with every dead body found, including one of their own and puts herself in harm's way during the war. And when she realized who it is and why he's done it, she fights for her life and takes care of business with a shocking twist.
This was a fantastic historical mystery that dealt with war, spies, and a great chilling storyline. I really cared for Maggie and her fight for women's payment in the SOE agent. I also loved the twists and turns of the Jack and Ripper copycat-like murders that hit too close to home and a decade after the first murders. I loved the war-time storyline set in war-torn England and how it took center stage throughout this installment of the series. I liked how Durgin became her closest friend and ally and potential love interest. This gripping historical mystery would take you there with drama, non-stop action, intrigue and suspense to give you chills.
Will you be the queen's accomplice today?
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